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As discussed in 7, you can extend Visual C++ projects with files compiled to managed code. At first, it may seem like an interesting option to integrate the managed wrapper types into the wrapped library, because this means that there will be one less DLL or one less static library that you have to take care of. If you integrate managed wrappers into a DLL, this also means that there is one less DLL that needs to be loaded by the client. Loading fewer DLLs reduces the load time, the required virtual memory, and the likelihood that a dependent DLL has to be rebased, because it cannot be loaded at its natural base address. However, integrating wrapper types into the wrapped library is seldom useful. To understand the reasons, it is necessary to look at static library projects and DLL projects separately. Even though it sounds strange, extending a static library project with managed types is possible. However, using managed types from a static library can easily cause type identity problems. In 4, I discussed that the identity of managed types is scoped by the assembly in which they are defined. The CLR is able to distinguish two types in two different assemblies even if they have the same name. If two different projects use the same managed type from a static library, the type will be linked into both assemblies. Since a managed type s

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The CONTROL parameter specifies the name of the control file for the SQL*Loader session. The control file may include the specifications for all the load parameters. Of course, you can load data using manual commands, but using a control file gives you more flexibility and enables the automation of the load process. CONTROL = '/test01/app/oracle/oradata/load/finance.ctl'

The DATA parameter simply refers to the input data file. The default filename extension is .dat. Note that the data doesn t necessarily need to be inside a separate data file. If you wish, you can include the data at the end of the control file load specifications. DATA = '/test02/app/oracle/oradata/load/finance.dat'

You can use the two parameters BINDSIZE and ROWS to specify a conventional path bind array. SQL*Loader in the conventional path mode doesn t insert data into the table row by row. Rather, it inserts a set of rows at a time, and that set of rows, called the bind array, is sized based on either the BINDSIZE or ROWS parameter. The BINDSIZE parameter sets the bind array size in bytes. On my system, the default bind size is 256,000 bytes. BINDSIZE = 512000 The ROWS parameter does not set any limit on the number of bytes in the bind array. It imposes a limit on the number of rows in each bind array, and SQL*Loader multiplies this value in the ROWS parameter with its estimate of the size of each row in the table. The default number of rows under the conventional method on my system is 64. ROWS = 64000

ps -ef > /tmp/testfile filecount=`wc -l /tmp/testfile` count=0 while [ $count -le $filecount ]

If you specify both the BINDSIZE and ROWS parameters, SQL*Loader uses the smaller of the two values for the bind array.

If you specify DIRECT=true, SQL*Loader loads using the direct-path method instead of the conventional method. The default for this parameter is DIRECT=false, meaning the conventional method is the default method used.

The ERRORS parameter specifies the maximum number of errors that can occur before the SQL*Loader job is terminated. The default on most systems is 50. If you don t want to tolerate any errors, set this parameter to 0: ERRORS = 0

identity is based on the assembly identity, the two types will have different identities even if they originate from the same static library. For native DLL projects, it is not recommended to integrate managed wrapper types into the DLL, because this would implicitly create a load-time dependency to the CLR 2.0. As a consequence, users of your library would then be required to ensure that version 2.0 of the CLR is installed on the target machine and that the target application does not load an earlier CLR version, even if only native code of the library is executed.

Using the LOAD parameter, you can set the maximum number of logical records to be loaded into the table. The default is to load all the records in the input data file. LOAD = 10000

do firstvar=`tail +$count /tmp/testfile | head -1` echo firstvar within the loop: $firstvar secondvar=$firstvar echo secondvar within the loop: $secondvar count=`echo $count+1 | bc` done < /tmp/testfile echo firstvar outside the loop: $firstvar echo secondvar outside the loop: $secondvar

The LOG parameter specifies the name of the log file. The SQL*Loader log file, as you ll see shortly, provides a lot of information about your SQL*Loader session. LOG = '/u01/app/oracle/admin/finance/logs/financeload.log'

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